Thursday 17 September 2009

Busy busy busy.

Elephant is finished! It's not perfect but it'll do.

I've got a busy day today. I did a bit of shopping this morning and bought the sieve that I was going to buy yesterday. (Crucial piece of equipment for university life obviously). I've also got to make some fudge for a small person's birthday tomorrow and STOP procrastinating and actually start packing. I have made a's just I've not actually done anything that's on the list yet.

Then later I'm off to a friend's house for tea and to say goodbye *sniff.* Then straight from there to work (my last night at work, *sniff*). Then straight from there to the train station and off into town for another friend's birthday and a big last night out with all of my college friends. *sniff sniff.* ...Somebody hand me the tissues please!

It's a good thing I'm feeling better!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Joy the Second. (Plus elephant update).

Evenin' all.

I need a clothes brush, there is fluff everywhere from this elephant.

It's been a slobby day today, I haven't stepped foot outside the house and I've spent most of the day in front of my laptop. I do have an excuse though: I am ill. Not properly ill though, only ill enough to be feeling a bit rubbish and not be able to keep any food down. Not ill enough to have lost my appetite, meaning I am absolutely starving. And grouchy.


On the bright side, Elephant is coming along very well, it now looks like an inside out elephant with no ears and no tail:

This is what it looked like yesterday.

This is how it looks today.

I might have to do something other than sew tomorrow. Such as buy a sieve, and I might actually start packing for Uni. That's quite scary as I have no idea if everything that I want to take is going to fit. I do have two large and very pretty suitcases but who knows if that's enough.

Nighty night.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Numero Une.

In the beginning there was Joy,

But no other words existed for none had been written. A blank page. Then lo, unto the page bereft of words, writing began to appear, this was the first blog post.
Seemingly written by a being of little importance who was trying to be amusing and failing.

etc. etc.

Enough of that already. Ahem, yes, first post.

Well, this blog is called Joy because firstly, it will hopefully be a place full of happy things, e.g. new and wonderful times at University (where I will be off to on Saturday), and also because my middle name happens to be Joy as well.

I will hopefully keep it enough up to date so that people who I have left behind in my home town will be able to see what lovely and exciting things I have been up to without them.

Just so you all know, at the moment I am sewing an Elephant toy (pictures below) for my best friends birthday (she will be 20). Updates on how this is going will appear over the next few days. Now I've written that, it means that I can't tell my best friend about this blog until after her birthday, which is thankfully not too far away. Ah well.

As you may have noticed this will be mostly ramblings about whatever I am thinking about at the time so don't expect too much eloquence, wit or narrative structure.

Elephant pictures: Clockwise: 1 ear done, 2nd ear on the way, hopefully the finished product should look like this...hmm.

Until next time, au revoir!